Out-of-the-box impression: Okay, this thing does not feel as cheap as one might think. For 80 bucks I expected a housing barely better than those translucent water pistols
I'm holding the Steel Storm 30 seconds, and I can no longer resist the urge to shoot and destroy something. This speaks well of the airgun... or maybe it's just part of being a dude. "Mmmmmm f**k-s**t-up" spoken so eloquently by SoulFly

So far so good. Safety ON, semi-mode, charge the cocking lever, aim at target, safety OFF, trigger. BAM! It actually has some recoil... and it's loud! Set to burst-mode: BRRRRRUP! The rate is a little fast, but this is FUN! It feels like the old T2 Judgement Day vibrating-gun arcade games. So it feels good to shoot, and I have already destroyed a coke can, but what kind of velocity are these steels a-stormin'? I'm measuring 420-430fps! That is respectable at this price point, and this is only about 100fps less than the Drozd (75% the velocity for 33% the cost ain't bad). Accuracy: good enough, but with no shoulder stock it is hard to hit targets past 20 yards.
To be honest, I'm actually impressed, and not at all let down like that first shot with the Drozd. I WANT to shoot this airgun, and for only 80 bucks, I could buy 2 of them plus ammo and CO2 for less than a Drozd. I think the biggest advantage the Steel Storm has over the Drozd (besides price) is that the gas input is separate from the ammo. As I discussed in that previous blog, to add a bulk gas system to the Drozd you must attach a hose to the magazine which holds the BBs. This means that your ammo magazine is now connected to your gun with a hose, and you must stop shooting to reload that one magazine. Having a second magazine loaded at the ready is not an option with a bulk gas Drozd. The Steel Storm takes that hassle completely out of the equation with its internal magazine... which is not only easier to load than the Drozd's, but also its operation is not hindered by a bulk gas addition. And with its upper and lower pic rails, lack of complicated electronics, availability of a bulk gas adapter, and even full-auto mods out there... the Steel Storm is a winner.
The only big negative I see in this airgun (keeping the price in mind) is the lack of a shoulder stock and the inability to easily add one. That would drastically improve the accuracy and allow you to use a red-dot site on that beautiful upper pic rail. Have you ever used a red dot on a pistol? It's darn near impossible to keep the dot in view. Actually, the best thing you could do without a stock is add a cheap laser to the bottom rail... or a bright flashlight for 'point and shoot' night fun... or both if you like to be audibly and visually obnoxious while you kill the neighborhood's rodents and drain batteries.
So how does this Steel Storm measure up to the Drozd? No contest, UMAREX set out to compete with the Drozd and they have absolutely made a better product for a lower price. Gotta love free enterprise! Now, is the Steel Storm as good as the GMG? No, it's not even in the same ballpark. But, for $80, the UMAREX Steel Storm
is a hell of a lot of fun.